Dark Days
I think I am having a nervous breakdown. This has been a very black week for me. I am going through some kind of depressive episode, and I feel trapped in it. I hate my job, although hate seems like an awfully nice word to describe how I feel. I am just swimming in a sea of hopelessness, sadness, and self-loathing that is sucking me under daily. I know I need help. I have a Prozac prescription in my purse. Can't seem to find the energy to get it filled. I have somehow managed to stick with the WW in spite of everything else that is going on. Depression must stifle your appetite because I really don't feel like oinking out like I normally do. Still, progress on the scale is heartbreakingly slow and discouraging. Of course, I'm sure that my metabolism is in the toilet since it takes an act of Congress just to get me to bathe or put on something other than jammies. I feel like a slug. I have no energy or motivation. That is all I feel like saying today. Maybe things will perk up after payday on Friday.
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